Embedding Cultural Perspectives

The Practicalities

We have 13 unique sessions custom designed to support you with practical ways to embed Aboriginal, Torres Strait Islander and Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Perspectives within your Kindy programs and delivery. We are regularly adding new topics to this suite of practical sessions. Topics can include:

  • Baskets of Culture
  • Visiting the Islands
  • Meaningful Acknowledgements
  • Principles a closer look
  • Flags of Harmony
  • Culture through Music
  • Connecting Baby
  • Mother Earth Gifts
  • Weaving Cultural Stories
  • Structures and Shelters
  • Cultural Motifs
  • Make and Leave
  • When words inspire

Yes, our team will travel to you! 

Jackie, Cecelia and Ranu are located in Weipa, Cairns and Sunshine Coast.  We are very happy to travel and deliver packages to your service no matter where you are located. 

Travel costs will be included in your invoice and will be at the current market rates which will include: Petrol, Airfares, Accommodation, Hire Car, Travel incidentals (including parking/tolls/fuel costs/Cab fares/additional luggage), Travel Allowance

Costs will vary depending on where your service is located, the time the visit is required and current market rates for travel components. In some cases, services may like to link up with other services within their community to share these costs.  Please contact us for further information.

Contact Us

For More Information Please Contact:

[email protected]

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